Abdominoplasty or as most people say in layman term tummy tuck involves removal of extra skin and saggy part of the abdominal wall which is distorting the appearance of lower abdomen.

This ugly  hanging skin is caused by either weight loss due to surgery or dieting in males but significantly the abdominal sagging is observed in women post childbirth due to hormonal effect and weight changes.


A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty  may be a good option for you if you:

  • Like improvement of skin and muscle tone of abdominal skin
  • Weight is stable for at least 6 months
  • Should understand the procedure and have realistic expectation
  • non smoker or at least 2 week off smoking completely

Abdominoplasty surgery in Lahore is for a fit person who have no bleeding tendency, good healing ability and overall having low risk of surgical complications..The abdominoplasty or tummy tuck surgery is not alternative to weight loss. The procedure is aimed to reshape the body and give excellent contouring edge to abdomen. It must be bear in mind that  the results of a tummy tuck are technically permanent, but it can be influenced by fluctuations in body weight afterwards. For that reason, you may be asked to consider delaying the procedure if you are still in the process of losing weight or if you are planning on having more children.

That is why the goals of the surgery should be thoroughly discussed and deliberated during consultation.


Tummy tuck in Lahore Pakistan in female are normally performed to address the changes occurred during pregnancy and /or weight loss. These include removal of stretch marks, excess skin, extra fatty tissue and weakened abdominal muscle. Sometimes these extra skin redundancy cause skin excoriation problem in groin and pubic areas. If required, the pubic area is thinned out and lifted.


Firstly, upon arriving at our Cosmagic Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery clinic  after your initial registration , you will be taken through for your initial consultation with Dr. Asif Bhatti. During this consultation, questions will be asked about your medical history, any previous surgeries specially  concerning with your tummy. Detailed  physical examination  will be done to assess the belly ,note any hernia, muscle divarication ,skin quality and umbilicus.

Once Dr. Asif has confirmed that you are a suitable candidate, a surgical plan is created to provide you with your  desired outcome.

Dr. Asif Bhatti will brief you about the  surgery, your expected recovery time  and any  potential risks and complications. Photos are then taken for our medical records. If you are planning to have more children, it is advisable to wait until after you have completed your family to have this procedure, but any concern like this should be discussed with the Dr.Asif Bhatti.

It is important that you have a thorough understanding of your planned procedure and realistic expectation.


Abdominoplasty incision are generally made along  the bikini line, but this can extend. An incision stretching from side of the hip to other side of hip is made low on the abdomen, in a location that should be hidden under the  underwear. Initially after surgery, the scars are typically dark pinkish in color, but they usually  fade in time to a light pink and after 3 months or so it becomes  barely noticeable. Most of our patients are not bothered about the scar as it is normally hidden and mimic very much like caesarian section scar.

Sometimes the scar can get transformed to  keloid and hypertrophic  scar. If scarring is a concern for you after surgery, Dr. Asif Bhatti will provide you with a scar treatment plan to expedite the healing of your scars. There are several treatment options available, which will be personalized to your situation. This is normally quite treatable condition.


Dr. Asif Bhatti will only perform your abdominoplasty surgery in safe, accredited operating facilities. Abdominoplasty is performed under general anesthesia. The procedure can take between two to three hours to complete, depending on which surgical technique is used and the complexity of your case.

During the operation, and depending on the details of your treatment plan, Dr. Asif Bhatti will create an incision along the lower abdomen and undermine the abdominal wall till the xiphesternum.The extra skin and fat of the abdominal wall are removed along the lines marked preoperatively .Afterwards the muscles are tightened and belly  button will be relocated. The incision will be closed in cosmetic manner ,2 drains are placed  and dressings applied.


After surgery you will be given incentive spirometry to boost your breathing .Recovery usually varies according to patient factors and duration with extent of  the surgery. But expect at least two weeks off work to allow for complete rest and another one week for the majority of visible swelling and bruising to disappear. Light exercise may be resumed within two to three weeks, but gym like exercise should be avoided for at least one month. You will be given post-surgery instructions to follow and if you have any questions, please speak to Dr. Asif Bhatti.

Following your surgery special  dressings will be applied to your incisions. You will be given abdominal binder to use for 3-5 days and later when your drains are out after 3 days your abdominal girth will be measured and compression garment of special material will be offered.


The tummy tuck operation is designed to remove excess skin and the associated fatty tissue. It is a contouring procedure, tailoring the skin to better fit your underlying body. Some of the greatest results after a tummy tuck are achieved not by surgery, but by the patient, who uses that massive change achieved by surgery as the inspiration and motivation to continue their personal journey of self-improvement and further transform their body by changing their lifestyle – that is, a better diet and exercise. Tummy tuck would be a life changing experience for you.


An important thing to understand is that for the majority of patients a tummy tuck should not be considered as weight loss procedure .You achieve better body contour  but any change in weight in future would affect the long term result of the weight loss.


Abdominoplasty is not contraindications for any future  pregnancy and most importantly it will not prevent your tummy from growing during pregnancy. However it may complicate  future pregnancy. First of all the subsequent pregnancy will affect the weight and the result of tummy tuck. Dr. Asif Bhatti recommends waiting until you have completed your family, or are no longer planning to have children before you elect to have a tummy tuck.


You will be given instruction to be fasting night before surgery, bringing the preoperative result prior to your arrival time at the hospital.Dr. Asif Bhatti and your anesthetist will perform preliminary  pre-operative checks and at this point you will be made comfortable while being taken to the operating room. Sometimes you may have to wait a little longer than planned before we can start your surgery but you will be counseled throughout.


You can expect to see Dr. Asif Bhatti after discharge 48 hours after procedure and then at  2 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months and finally 12 months following your surgery. If anyone need any  additional appointments,  Dr. Asif  will be available for the  appointments depending on your own personal healing.


In order to better prepare for your surgery and to help with getting back to normal, it’s important to appreciate what you’re going to experience.


Soon after surgery while waking from the bed you will be nursed in special position with 2 pillows below your knee and head up position .You will have tight dressing in the wound along with abdominal binder.

You will get out of bed the night of surgery and would walk out of the room to toilet next day after removal of Foley catheter.

When you first get up to walk  we encourage you to continue with incentive spirometry and try avoiding being straighten up .Of course, those who have not required any muscle tightening, are generally far more comfortable but will still feel tight.

As a very rough guide, it takes approximately 1 week before you feel like you can straighten up. Don’t force the issue, it will happen when it wants to happen.


As a general rule it takes about one week before you can straighten up due to the significant abdominal tightness. After two weeks, common sense should be used. If you feel like you are safe to get behind a wheel based on how your body is feeling and how mobile you are, then by all means you can drive.


Your return to work will vary from patient to patient, however as a general guideline you can consider returning to an office-based job in one to two weeks after surgery. More manual and labor intensive jobs should be discussed with Dr. Asif during your consultation.


Returning to normal physical activity including exercising is important after a tummy tuck. Of course, you can appreciate that it is big operation with big wound and will need time for full healing. So no exercise for at least 2 weeks and when Dr.Asif will determine that wound is well healed normally after 2 weeks you can start light exercise but full gym in 4 weeks if you think you are comfortable in starting the excercise.Ultimately, there is absolutely no reason why you can’t eventually get back to normal, it just takes time.


Sexual activity should be avoided for a minimum of 4 weeks post surgery. It is important to give your body the time to rest and heal.


Many people will continue to wear the garment beyond 6 weeks as it tends to provide some control of this swelling and help to achieve the abdominal girth. Asif Bhatti recommends you to perform  daily massage to the scar in the abdominal wall and to do some dressing change after the initial dressing change.


Abdominoplasty surgery  gives permanent effect to your tummy however normal aging process and dietary habit may slightly effect the contour of the abdomen but it is very insignificant. Abdominoplasty does not inhibit your ability to get pregnant, but the result and any pregnancy period will be little difficult to handle however  this procedure should have no impact on your fertility.


You can book a consultation to discuss your suitability for this procedure by phoning us on 03029423495 or by emailing asifbhatti73@gmail.com. Alternatively, you can fill out the contact form on our home page and we will phone you back to organize a suitable appointment time.