Arm lift is a surgical procedure designed to remove excess skin and fatty tissue from the upper arm. This treatment serves to improve the shape of the area of concern, resulting in a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing overall figure.

A surgical lift is an excellent treatment for those who have been actively or steadily losing weight, but are still unsatisfied with the look they are left with even after achieving significant weight loss results. As we age, losing weight often means that the body is left with excess skin that is particularly difficult to shift. When exercise and dieting can no longer help you achieve your optimal figure, an arm lift can work as the final step.


Extra skin along with fatty deposition are all get removed in arm lift surgery and help patients in getting:

  • Easy lifting of the limbs to make it more active and lighter to
  • Self-confidence and the liberty  to wear what you want
  • A perfect shaped figure

During your consultation with Dr. Asif Bhatti, you will be provided full details and insights into the options that are most suitable for your body type and lifestyle.


Arm lift surgery is an excellent treatment for those who experience sagging or drooping in the upper arm An arm lift, however, can correct these issues by tightening and contouring the area, giving the upper body better shape and definition.

During the procedure, an incision is made on the inner surface of the upper arm, usually from the armpit to the elbow. Sometimes an incision is made in the armpit if the excess skin is gettable from the axillary incision. Excess skin is removed from the area, and the remaining skin is tightened and pulled into position to accommodate for the new contour. If the surgery is combined with liposuction, then larger amounts of fat can be removed from the area for a more holistic effect. The incision is then sutured to smoothen and define the new shape of the upper arm.

Dr. Asif Bhatti will discuss this option with you upon consultation, to assess whether it is a safe and suitable inclusion for your treatment.

The results of the surgery should be long lasting, so long as your weight remains at a healthy, stable level. Arm lift surgery has demonstrated functional and cosmetic benefits for many patients, who have experienced greater confidence and an improved quality of life as a result of treatment.


An arm lift procedure is suitable for anyone

  • Stable weight after weight loss by diet,excercise or surgery
  • Has will to improve his or her final figure.
  • Having loose skin due to ageing losing volume and elasticity

Dr. Asif Bhatti recommends that patients attain a stable weight that they can comfortably maintain following the procedure. It is also suggested that patients maintain a reasonable level of fitness to aid with the recovery process.


Surgical arm lift is usually performed under general anesthesia in an accredited day surgery  hospital setting.


Dr. Asif Bhatti  commonly do liposuction of the arms simultaneously with their lift. The two treatments work together to remove excess skin and focalized areas of fat, while also contouring and tightening the area to accommodate for the new shape in selected cases.


Potential complications of this surgery may include infection, bleeding, thickened scarring, seroma formation, contour irregularity, asymmetry, nerve damage and loss of sensation. All these complications if do happen are easily treatable and controllable. While these issues are unlikely, risks associated with the procedure will be outlined in your consultation. Dr. Asif Bhatti will also discuss the measures that will be taken to reduce the risk of complications so that you can leave fully aware and assured of how the procedure may go.


After the procedure, you will experience some soreness, swelling or bruising, and you may not be able to move up the arm and move it fully depending on your level of discomfort. For a smooth recovery, you will need to commit to the healing phase, recovery protocols and aftercare requirements, which Dr. Asif Bhatti will discuss with you prior to treatment.

For the first few days, the patients may prefer to take some pain relief. During this time they generally stay at home, and they cannot drive a car or operate machinery. Going back to light exercise after 2 weeks when your wound have been seen by Dr.Asif Bhatti and deemed appropriate. Returning to work will depend on how work activity fits into the progression of recovery. Since this is individualized, this will be discussed directly with Dr. Asif Bhatti. For most patients, we recommend wearing a compression garment for at least 6 weeks  after the procedure, depending on how recovery is progressing.


Although the resulting scar is placed in the most un noticeable place along the line of the seam of the shirt. The final result will depend upon body response. We will apply steristrips for at least 2 weeks after surgery and follow scar management plan to keep the scar flat.Dr. Asif Bhatti will ensure that all incisions are placed carefully to reduce the amount of scarring.


You can book a consultation to discuss your suitability for this procedure by phoning us on 03029423495 or by emailing Alternatively, you can fill out the contact form on our home page and we will phone you back to organize a suitable appointment time.