These body contouring procedures may be done either in combination or as separate procedures. These are procedures that will restore your self-confidence, help you to feel comfortable with your body, allow you to find clothes that you like to wear and make you feel better.

Body contouring procedures include:

  • Breast augmentation/Mastopexy to address the saggy breast
  • Liposuction to remove the extra pockets of resistant fat from flanks/thigh etc.
  • Correction of Gynecomastia/female looking breast by surgery
  • Arm or Thigh Lift to address the extra sagging skin in medial thigh and arm
  • Tummy tuck to treat the redundant skin and fat

Body contouring is a collection of the procedures mostly reconstructive in principle to alter the shape and appearance of the body to give it more good looking result.


General Anesthesia is generally commonly used for most of these procedures.Dr. Asif Bhatti performs these  body contouring procedures after undergoing all necessary preoperative checkups.


Body contouring surgery is a procedure  for highly motivated individual and it should be aimed  to give you best ideal appearance. Good candidate should be one  if:

  • You have completed your family , and would like to tighten the areas of your body affected by pregnancy associated skin redundancy.
  • You have specific fat pockets on your flanks and upper and lower limbs which is reshaping the body in whole after major weight loss.
  • You are fit and healthy with adequate nutritional intake and on supplement after surgery.
  • You are at a stable weight for at least 3 months minimum.
  • You are a non-smoker
  • You have good quality skin and no bleeding disorder.
  • You have a positive outlook

You have specific, but realistic goals in mind for the improvement of your appearance.


You will be asked to sign consent forms to ensure that you fully understand the surgical and be apprise of any potential side effects and  complications. Risks specific to most of  procedure are outlined under.

Breast Lift – T junction dehiscence /wound infection, Arm lift   – asymmetry /wound breakdown ,Thigh lift – wound dehiscence  ,Belt Lipectomy -seroma/wound dehiscence.

Most of the risks are very uncommon, but most of the risk is associated with the time taken to do the surgery and any premorbid condition of patient. Deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, respiratory atelectasis and  cardio respiratory complications are one should be looked for and prophylaxis should be taken against theses. Dr. Asif Bhatti will discuss this with you during your consultation if any of these risks are specifically pertinent to you.

Although body contouring surgeries are very effective procedures where the benefits may outweigh the risks, there is no guarantee and in  some situations, it may not be possible to achieve optimal results with a single surgical procedure so  revision surgery may be necessary.


You can book a consultation to discuss your suitability for this procedure by phoning us on 03029423495 or by emailing Alternatively, you can fill out the contact form on our home page and we will phone you back to organize a suitable appointment time.