Liposuction (also called lipectomy or lipoplasty) is a type of cosmetic surgery that some people consider to improve how they feel about the way they look. It is not a weight loss method. Liposuction changes the shape of certain areas of the body by removing fat from that area. Liposuction is used to reshape specific areas of the body, to improve body contours and proportion, ultimately enhancing your self-image.
It is most commonly used for the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, arms, neck and under the chin, but it is also used for the back, inner knee, chest, cheek, calves and ankles.
Some people choose only to have liposuction, whereas other people have it at the same time as other cosmetic surgery procedures such as a facelift, a breast augmentation or an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck).

A consultation with Dr. Asif Bhatti will provide full insights into the options most suitable for your lifestyle that best suits your body type, as well as opportunity to discuss your goals.
Firstly, upon arriving at our clinic you will be met by our friendly staff and they will walk you through the initial patient registration process. Once this is done, you will be ready to be taken through for your initial consultation with Dr. Asif Bhatti.
During this consultation, you will be asked number of questions, including about your relevant medical background, history of surgery, followed by the physical examination to assess the skin quality and the fat.
Once you are assessed, and if you are considered suitable for surgery, then a surgical plan is created to provide you with the desired outcome. Of course, an important part of this is ensuring you have a realistic expectation about the results achievable.
Dr. Asif Bhatti will discuss with you the details of the surgery, your expected recovery period and inform you about the potential risks and complications that allow you to make an informed decision. Photos are then taken for our medical records.
Dr. Asif Bhatti will offer you a secondary complimentary consultation to answer any additional questions you have following your initial consultation. It is important that you have a thorough understanding of your planned procedure.
Liposuction can be performed under local anaesthesia or under general anaesthesia. Dr. Asif Bhatti will discuss this in detail during your consultation.
Once the area has been completely numbed, liposuction using the tumescent technique is virtually painless. Because the numbness remains in the treated areas for more than 12 hours, patients don’t experience discomfort immediately following their procedure either.
Once the patient is relaxed and comfortable, tiny incisions are created to allow for the insertion of micro-cannulas used to remove the fat. The cannula is gently moved about while a vacuum apparatus attached to the tube suctions the fat cells out of the body. Most surgeries take one to three hours to complete, depending on the number of areas to be addressed and the amount of fat that will be removed.
At the end of the liposuction procedure, you will be able to walk out of facility comfortably. Due to the medications used during the treatment, you will need to wait at least 24 hours to drive, and you should have someone with you during that time to care for you as you recover from the procedure. Most patients can return to their jobs within three to four days. You will need to wear a pressure garment for three to six weeks to reduce bruising and swelling and encourage the skin to contract to the new body shape.
Weight loss may feel like an ongoing, never-ending mission to lose the unwanted kilos or sustain results you have already achieved. At times, a ceiling can be reached that prevents us from seeing further weight loss results no matter how much more sweat we shed, calories we burn or temptations we avoid. This ceiling is often referred to as a weight-loss plateau, and it can be frustrating for those trying to not only hit a target number on the scale but achieve an ideal body profile. If you are facing a plateau, you might be the perfect candidate for liposuction, a surgical procedure that eliminates the problem spots you have not been able to get rid of on your own.
Dr. Asif Bhatti offers effective liposuction techniques for his patients looking to sculpt their bodies and put the final touches on their weight loss efforts. His extensive experience and desire to provide his patients with optimal results have made him a top choice for liposuction and other body contouring procedures.
Liposuction surgery may be worth considering for those who have been actively losing weight, but are unsatisfied with the results. Before undergoing liposuction, Dr. Asif Bhatti recommends that patients should be at a weight they can comfortably maintain prior to the procedure. This may involve dieting and exercise until your ‘ceiling’ has been reached. For some patients, ongoing exercise and dieting just isn’t possible and under these circumstances a stable body weight may be acceptable. Liposuction surgery can provide patients with results and last with care – enhancing self-esteem and motivation.
Surprisingly the best candidates for liposuction are usually people who are not that overweight or who are at an ideal body weight, but have an area of fat that just won’t shift, despite how much exercise or dieting they do. Any age can be appropriate for liposuction, but the younger the individual, the greater the capacity for the skin to contract and reposition itself.

With liposuction, fat deposits are removed using a suction cannula, which is passed through small incisions. A vacuum apparatus applies a negative pressure to the suction cannula and the fat is literally sucked out from the area of involvement. The whole procedure is mostly performed under local anaesthesia.
At the end of the liposuction procedure, you will wear a pressure garment for between 3 to 6 weeks post-operatively, to decrease bruising and swelling and to encourage the skin to contract to your new shape.
Liposuction is not a substitute for a healthy diet and a regular exercise program. However, it is an excellent strategy for removing unwanted localised fat deposits and bulges, which are resistant to diet and exercise, creating a lasting and enhanced body contour.
The tumescent technique of liposuction was developed in 1985. This technique involves the use of large volumes of a dilute solution of a local anaesthetic in combination with the vasoconstrictive drug, epinephrine, which shrinks capillaries.
Local anaesthesia used in the tumescent technique for liposuction is so effective that patients no longer need intravenous sedatives, narcotic analgesics or general anaesthesia. This technique is now considered the safest form of liposuction for removing very large amounts of fat, because there is virtually no blood loss.
Not only has the tumescent technique been proven to be safer than the standard technique using general anaesthesia, but it has also proven to be less painful, with a minimal post-operative recovery time, and produces optimal cosmetic results. Once the area has been completely numbed, liposuction using the tumescent technique is essentially painless. In addition, because the numbness remains in the treated area for more than 12 hours, there is no pain immediately after surgery.
Liposuction works on the principle that people are born with a defined number of fat cells. This means that if you become fatter, your individual fat cells become fatter, rather than multiplying (not totally true with extreme obesity).
Thus, if you have body fat deposits that produce an undesired contour (e.g.“pot belly” or “saddle bag thighs” in females or “love handles” in males), then these can be permanently changed or limited by liposuction removal of the fat cells. As fat cells generally don’t multiply, your contours are permanently changed provided your weight stays stable.
Liposuction using suction is ideal for individuals who have bulges, which persist after diet and exercise; it is not a substitute for weight loss. Usually the overlying skin will contract following liposuction, however in some circumstances a procedure designed to remove excess skin may also be required.
This extra procedure might be required, because with liposuction alone, the skin is not surgically tightened. Therefore it is best suited for people who are in good physical shape and have ‘youthful’ skin qualities.
The biggest determining factor is the quality of your skin over the area that requires liposuction. After the fat is removed, liposuction relies on the skin contracting down to prevent any looseness or sagging and a younger skin tends to have more tone and elasticity, allowing for more aggressive fat removal.
The most prominent determining factor is the quality of your skin over the area that requires liposuction. After the fat is eliminated, the skin must conform to the new contour to avoid looseness or sagging. Younger skin has more elasticity and tone, which allows for more aggressive fat removal.
The decision to undergo any aesthetic surgery is a very personal one. The first step is a consultation with Dr. Asif Bhatti to discuss your goals and expectations to determine whether liposuction is the right treatment option for you. Liposuction is an operation that routinely provides a high satisfaction rate with a low risk of complications when performed by an experienced, properly trained surgeon.
Basically, we can perform liposuction on any area that contains fat. The classic areas treated with liposuction include: the outer thighs (saddlebags), inner thighs, abdomen, flanks, hips, knees, ankles, breasts (in appropriate patients), and the neck and chin region.
Depending on the extent of your procedure, liposuction may last anywhere from one to three hours. Keep in mind this is only the surgical time, however. Patients need to allocate a full day to allow for the pre-operative workup, the surgery and post-operative care.
Although each patient is different, normally your recovery from liposuction is fast. You can comfortably walk immediately after the procedure, however you will not be allowed to drive until the effect of any sedative drugs has worn off, which takes 24 hrs.
Even though pain medication is prescribed for you, most of our patients do well with none. You will most probably be able to work after 3 days, however it is important that you wear a compression garment for at least 3 weeks following your liposuction – 24 hours a day for first week and then 12 hours a day for another 2 weeks.
Most activities can be resumed soon after your liposuction procedure, when you feel up to it. Bruising associated with the liposuction may take 1 to 2 weeks to disappear and although most of the swelling will be gone after several weeks, it may take several more weeks to see the final results.
Because of the small size of the incisions (less than 1cm), scars are not usually significant after liposuction. Any scarring that does occur will fade over time, albeit there is some variation from individual to individual.
Although side effects vary from one person to another, in general, significant bruising and swelling are common. The bruising usually subsides in 3 weeks and the swelling in 8 weeks. Most patients experience discomfort and at times pain, which may last from several days to 1 week after your surgery, however this depends greatly on the individual and the extent of your liposuction.
Numbness may also occur, but usually disappears after some months, and irregularities, such as minor grooving (or dimpling) under the skin may appear. Other complications, such as infection and prominent scars are unusual. Dr. Asif Bhatti will discuss the side effects and any potential complications directly with you at your initial consultation.
If you put on weight after your procedure, you will see changes to your body. While you won’t selectively regain the contour that was corrected during liposuction, fat deposits will be distributed around the body, including the areas treated with your procedure.
Not really, tumescent local anaesthetic is the preferred methods of most surgeons who perform liposuction. This is because of a reduced risk of complications with this type of anaesthetic, which also results in a faster recovery.
With a tumescent technique, a large volume of fluid and local aesthetic are infused, which allows the area to become fully numb, so that your liposuction can be performed without any major discomfort. This method also provides good pain relief after your operation. However, if you prefer to have the procedure under general anaesthesia, this can be arranged.
A liposuction surgery is a success when the surgeon and patient are both happy with the results. The surgeon’s goal is to obtain an optimal aesthetic result, rather than to maximise the amount of fat removed. One of the most common causes for disappointment in the results of liposuction surgery is the removal of too much fat, which produces an abnormal or unusual appearance.
It is important for you to recognise that the cosmetic success of liposuction surgery is often the result of removing an amount of fat needed to provide pleasing, aesthetic results. It is not about taking out as much fat as possible, but to achieve an aesthetically desired result. That’s why sometimes it is called a liposculpture procedure.
Dimpling and indentations in the skin is a known risk of liposuction, however, skin irregularities are unusual in the hands of a skilled surgeon. The use of large diameter cannulas, tends to increase the risk of irregularities. Dr. Asif uses fine cannulas (micro cannulas), requiring more operative time and more surgical effort, but reducing the risk of indentations and creating smoother results. The use of micro cannulas and multiple adits (very tiny round holes placed in your skin) allows the surgeon to make a criss-cross pattern of tiny tunnels throughout the fat, which produces smoother liposuction results compared to using larger cannulas with only two or three entrance incisions.
Because the incisions are so small (less than 1 cm), scars are not usually significant after this procedure. Any scarring that does occur will fade over time, although there is some variation from individual to individual.
You can book a consultation to discuss your suitability for this procedure by phoning us on 03029423495 or by emailing Alternatively, you can fill out the contact form on our home page and we will phone you back to organise a suitable appointment time.
Disclaimer: All surgical procedures carry risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.