What is Trigger Finger / Trigger Thumb?

Trigger finger / thumb is a condition of the tendon and tendon sheath in the affected digit. The tendon becomes irritated and thickened, impeding its smooth movement through the sheath. To make matters worse, the sheath itself might also become irritated and thickened. All of this causes the tendon to become stuck for a moment when you try to straighten your finger; when it finally makes its way through the tight area, your finger will suddenly pop out straight. In some severe cases, the finger becomes permanently bent and requires the use of the other hand to straighten the finger.


Symptoms of trigger finger / thumb, in addition to the difficulty in straightening your finger, might include:

a catching or popping sensation when you move your fingers
finger stiffness in the morning
Early diagnosis and treatment can be very beneficial for this condition, and there are several non-surgical alternatives.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis begins with a thorough physical examination. This may include x-rays or other diagnostic tests. There are several treatment options for this condition, most of them non-surgical, which will relieve pain and restore movement. Treatment would depend on the severity of the condition and how long it has persisted.

Although renowned for his surgical ability, Dr. Asif is a firm believer in using conservative, non-operative treatment plans before considering surgery. For trigger finger / thumb, this can include medication, splinting, hand therapy, ergonomic modifications, and lifestyle changes.